Resources Library:

Assistance With Protective Orders - I-CAN! Virginia FAQ’s

Added Monday, February 10, 2014 by Office of the Executive Secretary

I-CAN! Virginia is a free online tool that helps a person complete the forms necessary to ask the court for a protective order. These frequently asked questions provide answers to questions regarding how the program works.  

Barriers to and Promising Practices for Collaboration between Adult Protective Services and Domestic Violence Programs

Added Wednesday, November 04, 2015 by Action Alliance

Barriers to and Promising Practices for Collaboration between Adult Protective Services and Domestic Violence Programs is published by the National Center on Elder Abuse and the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA). This report recommends that Adult Protective Services (APS) and Domestic Violence Programs collaborate on providing services for older adults experiencing domestic violence. Included are potential barriers to collaboration as well as examples of successful collaborations and initiatives.

Battered Women’s Justice Project

Added Tuesday, June 09, 2015 by Action Alliance

Battered Women's Justice Project offers training, technical assistance, policy analysis, and consultation on the most promising practices of the criminal and civil justice systems in addressing intimate partner violence. Staff members have particular expertise in assisting jurisdictions around the country to implement coordinated interagency responses to IPV that maximize victim safety and offender accountability.

Be Her Resource:  A Toolkit About School Resource Officers and Girls of Color

Added Monday, October 02, 2017 by Action Alliance

As the numbers of police in our schools steadily increase, so do the disproportionate rates of discipline against girls of color. In recognition of this reality, Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality and the National Black Women’s Justice Institute conducted focus groups and interviews primarily in the South with girls of color and police officers to gather first-hand information about their interactions. 

Based on this work, this toolkit provides guiding principles and policy recommendations that are designed to improve interactions between girls of color and SROs, with the ultimate goal of reducing these girls’ disproportionate rates of contact with the juvenile justice system.

Best Practice Tools and Resources for Coordinated Community Response Teams

Added Tuesday, May 29, 2012 by Office of the Executive Secretary

An annotated list of best practice resources for coordinated community response teams. Resources include a wide range of resources such as a toolkit for newly created CCR teams, a blueprint with model policies for more advanced CCR teams, links to related webinars and trainings, and other helpful information and publications.