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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Building Domestic Violence Program Capacity to Address Reproductive and Sexual Coercion - SW VA

In this training participants will increase their understanding of reproductive health and sexuality,
sexual coercion screening and program best practices, and how to implement successful partnerships
with key healthcare providers in their locality. Trainers will draw from national resources
provided by Futures Without Violence and lessons learned from Virginia’s Project Connect initiative.
Participants will become familiar with the Action Alliance’s new resource, “Reproductive and Sexual
Coercion: A Toolkit for Sexual and Domestic Violence Advocates,” which provides user-friendly and
modifiable tools and samples that can be easily incorporated into agency programming. 

Date: May 26, 2015
Location: Southwest Virginia
Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: Free (lunch not included)

Register here.

This event was posted by Action Alliance.