
Sunday, April 28, 2013 by Action Alliance

Red Flag Campaign Featured at University of Wisconsin-Superior’s Annual Speak Out

Dou­glas County scores high in the num­ber of reported sex­ual assaults among the 72 coun­ties in the state – rank­ing fifth in the num­ber of reported sex­ual assaults per capita, accord­ing to 2010 data pro­vided from the Wis­con­sin Office of Jus­tice Assis­tance. Nearly 90 per­cent of Wis­con­sin sex­ual assaults reported in 2010 were com­mit­ted by some­one known to the vic­tim. Being that April is Sex­ual Assault Aware­ness month, April 25 is the date that the Cen­ter Against Sex­ual and Domes­tic Assault, Inc. (CASDA), and the UW-Superior Gen­der Equity Resource Cen­ter have set aside for a march to bring pub­lic­ity to this issue and pro­mote aware­ness. Other aware­ness activ­i­ties include tabling in the YU each day last week to bring up the issue of red flags in dat­ing relationships.

The fourth annual Speak Out Supe­rior march began at 4:30 April 23rd in the park­ing lot between Burger King and the Pil­grim Lutheran Church in Supe­rior. The march then moved to the Dou­glas County Cour­t­house, where Mayor Bruce Hagen, Sen. Bob Jauch, Supe­rior Com­mu­nity Polic­ing Offi­cer Bon­nie Beste and Human Devel­op­ment Cen­ter “Project Reach Out” Coor­di­na­tor Jane Lar­son spoke. There will also be time allo­cated for mem­bers of the march to share their expe­ri­ences or sur­vivor stories.

There were also free activ­i­ties for chil­dren when they arrive at the cour­t­house. “New at the cour­t­house this year is a sep­a­rate, super­vised room for chil­dren,” said CASDA Sex­ual Assault Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor, Leanne Grbav­cich, “where they can enjoy struc­tured, age-appropriate activ­i­ties that tie in with the Speak Out Supe­rior mes­sage.” Speak Out Supe­rior T-shirts are avail­able for  pur­chase from CASDA for seven dol­lars each or nine dol­lars each for extra large sizes. Once the march arrived at the cour­t­house, there was music and food avail­able to par­tic­i­pants as well. “Supe­rior Police Detec­tive Michelle Lear will receive our Com­mu­nity Help­ing Hand Award,” said Grbav­cich, “to rec­og­nize her tire­less work help­ing vic­tims of domes­tic and sex­ual vio­lence in our community.”

The UWS Red Flag Cam­paign has daily activ­i­ties for stu­dents in the Yel­low­jacket Union. Accord­ing to UWS Health Edu­ca­tor Kristy McGif­fert, “The Red Flag Cam­paign is a pub­lic aware­ness cam­paign designed to address dat­ing vio­lence and pro­mote the pre­ven­tion of dat­ing vio­lence on col­lege cam­puses.” The goal is to help peo­ple real­ize the warn­ing signs for dat­ing vio­lence so they can inter­vene in the lives of their fam­ily, friends and co-workers. “At any of our activ­i­ties this week,” said McGif­fert, “stu­dents can learn to rec­og­nize red flags, rela­tion­ship rights, rela­tion­ship respon­si­bil­i­ties, and get help in find­ing sup­port.”

The Cen­ter Against Sex­ual and Domes­tic Abuse pro­vides var­i­ous ser­vices to vic­tims of domes­tic vio­lence, sex­ual assault, and child abuse, along with pro­vid­ing hous­ing, coun­sel­ing and refer­rals for other ser­vices.

For more infor­ma­tion about the Speak Out Supe­rior march, you can call CASDA at 715–392-3136, email or go to For more infor­ma­tion about the Red Flag Cam­paign activ­i­ties, you can con­tact Kristy McGif­fert at or by call­ing 715–394-8543.


Source: University of Wisconsin-Superior Stinger


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