Resources Library: Population-Specific Response

Technology and Abuse in Later Life

Added Tuesday, July 07, 2015 by Action Alliance

Technology is an invaluable resource for older survivors. Individuals may use the Internet, for example, to find support and cope with issues of abuse in later life. Yet, abusers can misuse technology as a tactic of abuse, which can be dangerous and potentially lethal.

In December 2014, with help from Disability Rights Wisconsin, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin and the Safety Net Project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, NCALL released this toolkit for older adults with two goals in mind: to provide information about common technologies, including assistive technology, and to identify ways older adults can safeguard themselves from those who misuse technology to control, harass, stalk, and/or threaten them. The toolkit contains the following:

1. Tech 101: Frequently Used Terminology – a glossary of tech terms, many of which are referenced in the toolkit.

2. Tech Tips for Older Adults: Tech Safety – a general overview of computer, cell phone and Internet safety.

3. Tech Tips for Older Adults: Online Privacy & Safety – An overview of the importance of online privacy and strategies for maintaining privacy and safety online.

4. Technology and Abuse in Later Life  – An overview of the ways abusers misuse technology within the context of abuse in later life.

5. Assistive Technology – An overview of assistive technology, including what it is, who uses it and resources for finding out more about assistive technology.

6. Examples of Assistive Technology – An overview of assistive technologies for individuals who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing, have speech disabilities, are blind or have low vision, or have physical, motor or communication disabilities.

7. Assistive Technology and Abuse in Later Life – A general overview of the ways abusers may misuse assistive technologies to cause harm.

8. Tech Resources – A list of selected resources related to technology and technology safety.

Technology Safety Planning with Survivors

Added Thursday, April 03, 2014 by Action Alliance

Technology has a major impact on survivors of abuse. It can be used by a survivor to access help, to strategically maintain safety and privacy, and to remain connected to family and friends. It is often used to prove guilt and hold offenders accountable. Yet, technology, in its various forms, is also misused by abusers and perpetrators in crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking. The National Network to End Domestic Violence has developed Technology Safety Planning with Survivors to address how technology impacts the safety, privacy, accessibility, and civil rights of victims.

The Alarming Truth Behind the Rising Mortality Rate in the U.S.

Added Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Action Alliance

While the global maternal mortality rate (MMR) decreased by 36.6 percent between 2000 and 2015, the U.S. MMR increased by 16.6 percent. The United States was one of six countries and the only developed country to see an increase in maternal mortality during this time period.

To learn more, check out the infographic below designed by Bradley University’s online Master of Science in Nursing program.

Infographic on the truth behind the rising maternal mortality rate in the United States


The Intersection of Spirituality, Religion And Intimate Partner Violence in the African American Community

Added Thursday, January 29, 2015 by Action Alliance

Black women look to their spiritual roots for solace and relief when coping with intimate partner violence.  This article explores the roles of the Black church in addressing intimate partner violence.  It offers suggestions for clergy on how they can facilitate healing for survivors and address perpetrators.  It concludes with a set of recommendations for domestic violence and sexual assault service providers on how they can incorporate spiritual elements into their programs.

The Intersections Between Intimate Partner Violence and HIV/AIDS

Added Monday, May 02, 2016 by Action Alliance

The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women has compiled a Special Collections series on the Intersections Between Intimate Partner Violence and HIV/AIDS.  The Special Collection series includes terms and definitions, impact on at-risk populations, where to get tested, and the various articles discussing the intersection of intimate partner violence and HIV/AIDS.