Resources Library: For Victims/Survivors

Military Resource Handbook for Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Centers

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

A comprehensive handbook for Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies who may be working with victims/survivors serving in the military. Includes Department of Defense policies on sexual and domestic violence, reporting procedures, tips for collaboration between civilian and military organizations, sample safety plans, and additional resources.

Published by Virginia Sexual & Domestic VIolence Action Alliance.

January, 2008.

60 pages.  

Power and Control Wheel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Relationships

Added Monday, May 22, 2017 by Action Alliance

The Power and Control Wheel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans Relationships provides definitions and examples of coercive and abusive behaviors that may be present in LGBT relationships. The wheel can be used as a training tool for advocates and service providers, as well as a supportive and enlightening resource for survivors.

PREA Part 4: SPECIAL POPULATIONS: LGBTQ, Survivors of Previous Abuse, Youth

Added Friday, March 27, 2015 by Action Alliance

PREA is the first United States federal law dealing with the sexual abuse/assault of people who are incarcerated. The PREA Resource Bank, which offers a collection of essential PREA resources, research, toolkits, templates, and training, is divided into 7 sections.

Part 3, Special Populations, provides resources focused on three special populations: people who identify as LGBTQ, Survivors of previous abuse, and Youth. Because the issues faced by these populations can be unique and unfamiliar to advocates and staff of correctional facilities, it is important to spend time reviewing these resources.

Pregnant and Parenting Survivors

Added Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by Action Alliance

The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSP) provides discipline specific information for advocates working with pregnant and parenting survivors.  This resource from the WCSP not only provides practice guidelines and examples, but also specific facts related to reproductive and sexual coercion experienced by many survivors.  Additionaly, the WCSP site provides information on the specific needs of survivors during pregnancy and post-delivery.

Preventing Sexual Violence in Latin@ Communities: A National Needs Assessment

Added Tuesday, May 31, 2016 by Action Alliance

A significant proportion of people living in the United States are of Latin@ origin – about 16%, or 50.5 million, as of 2010 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011). But the few existing studies on sexual violence against Latin@s have shown a lack of culturally relevant services for Latin@ survivors to be a substantial need. One in six Latina women report sexual victimization in their lifetime (Cuevas & Sabina, 2010). Latin@s encounter more barriers to seeking services than non-Latin@s, especially if they are immigrants (Ingram, 2007). Latin@s are also less likely to report rape victimization (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).  

Therefore, the purpose of this needs assessment was to guage the following:

1. Who are the key groups/organizations engaging in and/or supporting sexual violence prevention and intervention in Latin@ and/or Spanish-speaking communities?

2. What are the resource needs of advocates, counselors, and other professionals in the field engaging in sexual violence prevention and intervention in Latin@ and/or Spanish-speaking communities?

3. What is the cultural competency and Spanish-language capacity of programs and organizations to serve Latin@ and/or Spanish-speaking communities?

4. What is the most effective role of the NSVRC in supporting advocates working with Latin@ and/or Spanish-speaking communities?